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Nurse's Office

The Fairfield School Nurses address the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students and support their achievement in the learning process through assessment, intervention, and follow-up for all children within the school setting.

The nurses are active members of school resource teams, participating as members of the Crisis Team, Student Assistance Team and Child Study Team among others. The nurses actively participate in the PPT process and work collaboratively to develop health and education plans with the student, family, medical providers and school staff, acting as an advocate for students with health concerns. The Fairfield School Nurses provide health education and health promotion activities such as accident and illness prevention, allergy awareness, and individual education for chronic illnesses.

Additional nursing services include:

  • First aid for illness and injury
  • Administration of medications and medical treatments
  • Screenings for vision, hearing and postural evaluations
  • Review state mandated immunizations and health assessments for all students.

Health Forms

Sreshta Kantamneni, RN
(203) 255-8310


The office is currently staffed daily from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. The goal of the nursing program is to provide first aid, and act as a resource for students, parents and staff.

Flu Vaccine Form

Please remember all children are required to have a current year (2019-20) flu vaccine by December 31st.

If you have a current exemption on file your child is good for this year. If you wish to get an exemption please contact the nurse's office.

No children without proper paper work will be allowed to attend on Jan 2.